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Fairy Tale Glass Bookshelf

Writer's picture: Spike DeaneSpike Deane

While standing in the book signing queue at the National Library of Australia I managed to join another book group (as you do). Unfortunately I couldn't attend its next meeting because I was teaching the same night BUT I did read the book of the month which was American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I first read American Gods in 2001 and enjoyed it hugely, geeking out over all the Gods and Goddesses being name-dropped all over the place. The final twist was great fun. I loved discovering mythological characters in a modern setting. Of course that's not so unusual these days. And no, I haven't seen the mini series yet.

Reading Assassin's Fate by Robin Hobb was the culmination of a 20 year journey with the characters within. Robin Hobb is a master of storytelling and this journey ended perfectly but not without tragedy, loss and friendship. Yes I wept over this book. I recommend this series with all my heart. Fitz & the Fool forever! (To think I resisted the first novel because it had assassin in the title.)

To the Lighthouse by Virgina Woolf was the August read of my other book group. Exquisite words illuminate the cracks and creases of the everyday thats found in human relationships.


August Reading List

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

Stiletto by Daniel O'Malley

Handless Maiden Tales

Post apocalyptic fiction


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