Today I zipped up to Sydney and back by coach. I caught the last few hours of Kirstie Rea's Still – like water exhibition at Sabbia Gallery. I love Kirstie's gentle, thoughtful pieces, her mastery of kiln-formed glass is amazing.
It was 15 degrees hotter in Sydney than Canberra and I just had enough time to treat myself to lunch and a tall cold drink before heading further up the road to opening at Sullivan & Strumpf.
The last few months have been full of Canberra Glasswork's commissions, which means I can't share much of the process until the commission is finished. But here we have some finished pieces to share!
The Distance between us, Tim Silver's new body of work includes 2 pieces (crypt figures) that I cast in glass for him (see above). They were complicated casts (18 days in the kiln) and ended up being quite large moulds. I was assisted by Peter Nilsson, who helped with the mould making and completed the pieces with a surface finish.
False Gods by Ramesh Mario Nithiyendran was also showing at Sullivan & Strumpf. I met Ramesh in 2012 when we were both finalists in Hatched: National Graduate Show.
With 2 hours before my bus left central station, I caught up with Maureen Cahill of Glass Artists' Gallery in Glebe, were we sat on her lovely shady balcony.