Folk tale week begins today.
Day 1 Moon.

This image was inspired by an English Folktale called 'The Buried Moon' which you can read here and what a challenging image I decided on. I wanted to show the Moon trapped in the bog. With the stone placed on her so she can't float and the twisted tree root wound around her wrists. I may have bitten off more than I can chew here.
The people of the English Fens give thanks to the Moon for lighting their way through the treacherous bog pools at night. Her light keeps away the bogles and other creatures that flourish in the dark. One night the Moon goes missing...
I first read a retelling of this tale in a Charles De Lint collection of short stories Dreams Underfoot, and the story is The Moon is Drowning While I Sleep.
More recently, Kate Forsyth and Lorena Carrington included it in their Lost Fairy Tale series Bk 2 The Buried Moon and other Tales of Bright Young Women.