Straight back into the workshop after the New Year. Working on projects with Nicholas Burridge, Brendan Van Hek, Belinda Fox, Jenni Kemarre Martinello, Lynette Talbot, Rosalind Lemoh & Studio A.

Clockwise from the Top
Booking for the week in the mold room
Working with Rosalind Lemoh on core casting
Lynette Talbot's table of waxes
Molds heading for the kiln for Nicholas Burridge - works currently on show at the Canberra Glassworks
A full kiln packed for Brendan Van Hek
I bought the second in this very useful series of books.

Clockwise from the Top
The pinkysil stage of making a mold for an amazing seedpod collected by Jenni Kemarre Martiniello
Cast works for Studio A in the kiln
Glass terrazzo
Another full kiln
How artists communicate