Clockwise LtoR
All the remaining glass I collected and sorted for the Terrazzo project was delivered to my driveway.
Kiln set up for firing
Me in all the PPE required for fritting glass. I'm about to pull out trays of glass at 600℃ into the big vat of water
Some prints and doodles with acrylic and Posca pens
The Glasswork's UTE loaded up with all the things now in the driveway!

Clockwise LtoR
Thor talking about the design of the modular timber pieces for Urban Biome- we were facing the setting sun.
Cool cloud formations near the glassworks
Red glass collection
More prints and doodles with acrylic and Posca pens
My new favourite lunchtime activity - Bananagrams! Chuffed with the Lute /Loot combo!

Clockwise LtoR- Working with Janet Fieldhouse
Tabletop and whiteboard marker drawings help communication
Janet getting ready for her first life cast
Janet on her 3rd or 4th life cast
Janet with lots of coloured glass
A quick sand casting test
Aimee Frodsham, Tome Rowney and Janet Fieldhouse making plans

Clockwise LtoR
Pressing Red callistemon (Bottlebrush) into clay.
The mould and coloured glass (firing as I type)
A finished piece
Kiln at 850℃
Creeping bellflower/ Rampion bellflower pressed
Kiln pre firing 25℃
